Bullfighter media

Logo Design/Video Production/Motion Design
Bullfighter Media

Over the last few years I've worked with Bullfighter Media on a number of projects, including a branding update, titles for the worlds first UTV action sports feature film, and some other fun projects. Below are some examples of the work we've done together.

Rigid Andy McMillan

A semi-congratulatory piece for Rigid Racing after Andy won the Mint 500. I was responsible for retiming, graphics and motion, as well as some subtle sound design.

Clutch Masters 850 Strapped

Some editing, glitchy transitions, sound design, a 3d clutch model and some motion graphics and viola, car magic.

The Disruption Film Intro

The worlds first all UTV action sports film, I worked to incorporate the sponsor logos and drivers names into the start of film, keeping with the dust to dust theme.

Missoula Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet

A quick turnaround job for the Missoula Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet, these pieces were shown during a multi-week virtual awards ceremony.

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I'm always open to collaboration, so don't hesitate to send me your project details. Let's create something great together.

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Jesse Hollis