About Me

A born and raised Missoula, MT local.

After spending 14 years in Oregon, my wife and I decided Missoula was the place we wanted to be. We came back and put down roots. Now you can find us out walking our big shaggy dog, biking, snowboarding or taking the kiddo to ice cream, regardless of weather.

After cutting my teeth in the industry as a motion designer, the move back to Missoula gave me the opportunity to branch out into other facets of design. I've always been someone who loved learning so taking the time expand my knowledge has really been a fortunate thing for me. Being able to offer variety in what I do is what has kept it fun and interesting so far and I hope to be able to continue that far into the future. Please reach out if you have questions! I'd love to hear what you're up to.

Have a project in mind?

I'm always open to collaboration, so don't hesitate to send me your project details. Let's create something great together.

Contact Me

Lets get in touch!

Drop me a line

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Or get ahold of me the old fashioned way:

Jesse Hollis